Quick demo for a word game based on the binary tree data structure. Drag and drop letter tokens onto snap points to build a tree, then hit submit to see your score. All of your words will start with the root letter that you choose. The end of a word is a token that has no children. The gray circles are the locations where the tokens will attach to the tree, just drag a token on top of the point and release, and it will snap to it. All words must be between 3 and 5 letters long. 

There is a known issue where the game can break if you submit a tree with an invalid word, so you might need to go to the main menu and restart the level from the level select screen if that happens.

Future plans include a global leaderboard, around 100-200 levels for free, possibly paid level expansions, and a timed daily puzzle. Another feature not implemented as of now is lines that connect parent nodes to their children to make it easier to visualize the tree.

Any feedback is appreciated!

Made withUnity

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